This is quite a powerful statement and it’s so true!

Music is (probably) the one thing that every person in the world has in common. Music makes the world go round, or is that that love? At Yorkshire College of Music and Drama we strongly believe music is love and music is life and these things make the world a better place. 

Music has the power to lift our mood, it invokes memories, feelings, emotions and makes us feel happy. After a challenging year, many things have been taken away, but ‘they can’t take away our music’ (in the words of Eric Burdon) … again so true! 

We have a legacy to uphold. Simply put, this is to make music accessible to EVERY PERSON who lives in our community and with online music lessons we can cast our net much further. 

Learning to play a musical instrument or learning to sing can be the most rewarding, personal sense of achievement. We want to shout this from the rooftop of St Mark’s House and we don’t want anyone to miss out because they feel it’s not in their reach. It really is. 

As a new year begins, time to reflect. Even more so given the year we’ve all experienced. If you’ve set a resolution to try new things, what better way to realise this than to unleash your inner musician? 

We have some of our region’s most talented teachers with decades of experience. As educators they pride themselves on tailoring individual learning so that students get the most out lessons. This holistic approach aims to guarantee the best experience and as you learn your confidence and talent will shine through.

Piano, violin, guitar, flute or saxaphone? Whatever instrument you already play or want to learn, we have the right lesson for you! We offer a consultation lesson and you get to choose the teacher you want to learn with. This is a great way to see if you’ve selected the right instrument and importantly gives your the chance to build a rapport with your future mentor. 

Accessible pricing with no hidden costs! 

As a College with Charitable Trust status, this allows us to offer a very simple, extremely competitive and transparent pricing structure. 

Our prices are the same whether you opt for face-to-face lessons at St Mark’s House, online lessons with your tutor via Zoom or a mix of both. Which ever you prefer, we guarantee an extremely high level of teaching. 

An initial consultation lesson with the preferred teacher is charged at the normal rate (below) but if 3 more lessons are booked, the cost of the consultation lesson is waived and a free lesson added to your term. 

The following prices are based on pupils booking lessons for a full term:

  • 30 minute lesson: £17.45
  • 45 minute lesson: £26.19 
  • 60 minute lesson: £34.90

The gift of music
Our gift vouchers are the perfect present for a friend, family member or as a treat to yourself in 2021. Find out more

We’re waiting to hear from you
Learning to play or sing isn’t a destination, it’s a journey.  One that is full of fun, self realisation and achievement. Together we can get your there. 

Take the first step, call or send an email and we’ll be able to answer all your questions and give you the information you need. 

So, just referring back to ‘No Music No Life’ don’t accept this. Get music in your life and let us help you!