Together we have a stronger voice and together we can achieve great things.


Working together with likeminded organisations is key to achieving our charitable aims.

Together we have a stronger voice and together we can achieve great things. 

We have ongoing partnerships with the organisations detailed below. 


Geraldine Connor Foundation (GCF)

Music House is working closely with GCF on a truly inspirational project Reggae Roots 

The start of a meaningful working relationship. 

Find out more about GCF

Sunshine and Smiles, Leeds Down Syndrome Network

Set up in 2011 as a small group, Sunshine & Smiles is a registered charity that provides a support network in Leeds for children and young people who have Down syndrome and their families.

Find out more about Sunshine and Smiles 

Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM)

ABRSM is the UK’s largest music education body and one of the leading provider of music exams. ABRSM hold the music assessments of students from our region at Music House. 

Find out more about ABRSM

London College of Music (LCM)

With over 150 years in teaching and professional education, the University has been holding music exams at our flagship building for decades. 

Find our more about LCM  

Trinity College London

Trinity College London is an international exam board that has been providing assessments since 1877.  Music House is the Exam Centre for Trinity exams.

Find out more about Trinity

Leeds Music Education Partnership (LMEP)

Music House is part of the Leeds Music Education Partnership – a music education initiative which aims to give all children and young people in Leeds the opportunity to learn an instrument, play music and sing. 

Find out more about LMEP