Following the successful unveiling of Music House in April, good things are already starting to happen. We are thrilled to welcome our very first ever Patron, David Lascelles, Earl of Harewood.

After attending our name changing event  as VIP, and officially cutting a ribbon to welcome Music House, VIP David Lascelles took a tour of the facilities and was impressed with what he saw. Too good an opportunity to miss, Nick Wayne – Trustee, who has a good relationship with the David, asked if he would consider being involved with Music House?

David said: 

”I’m delighted to become a Patron of Music House and The Yorkshire College of Music and Drama. I think what they are doing is very important and I fully support this. I look forward to coming to events and seeing Music House grow and go from strength to strength.”

Staff and trustees agree this marks a new beginning for Music House, which, in recent years has had a bit of a confused identity – this is one of the reasons the rebranding exercise was carried out.

Tim Knight, Principal said: 

“The future remit is very clear! Affordable lessons, group learning, taster courses and maximising corporate opportunities to help sustain our future. 

“Having David on-board is a significant step in the right direction, the association and potential ways we can work together for the good of Music House is an exciting prospect for everyone.”

Rebranding has included a website refresh, new digital channels, signage and investment in staff expertise. Our next phase of plans and initiatives, aimed at B2B and B2C, are underway!

Having the support of an influential patron is a positive step and a first for Music House! It paves the way for new opportunities, including links to some of the good causes David represents and people who will benefit from musical learnings at our vital community hub.